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Critical Worker

Foreign workers with at least two years of relevant experience in semi-skilled and unskilled occupations may be eligible to apply for the Critical Worker stream of the Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PEI PNP).

Program Requirements

Express Entry ProfileNo
Connection to ProvinceWork Experience
Job OfferYes
Language ProficiencyCLB 4
Level of EducationHigh school
Work ExperienceNOC C or D
2 years
Investment RequirementNone

Connection to PEI

To be eligible, candidates must have worked in PEI for a minimum of six months for the PEI employer making the job offer. The candidate must have a valid work permit authorizing them to work for the PEI employer.


Job Offer

Candidates must have a permanent, full-time job offer from their current PEI employer. The job offer must be in a National Occupational Classification (NOC) Skill Level C or D occupation.


Language Proficiency

All candidates must have official language test results demonstrating proficiency in English or French consistent with Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level 4.


Level of Education

Candidates must have at least completed secondary school.


Work Experience

Candidates must have at least two years of work experience or education relevant to their job offer in the past five years.



Candidates must be between 18 and 59 years old to be eligible to apply to this stream.


Settlement Funds

Candidates must meet the settlement funds requirement as determined by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).


Intention to Reside

Candidates must demonstrate an intention to reside in PEI.

Application Procedure

The Critical Worker stream operates on an Expression of Interest (EOI) system. Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria must submit a profile to PEI’s pool of candidates. All of the candidates in the pool will then be ranked against each other based on the PEI Labour Impact Category Ranking System. The highest-ranking candidates will be invited to submit a complete application to the stream in one of the category’s periodic draws. Successful candidates will be issued a provincial nomination from PEI.

After receiving a provincial nomination, an applicant has six months to submit a federal application for Canadian permanent residence. Applicants in this program must complete and submit a paper-based application for permanent residence and submit it by mail to the appropriate application centre. Paper-based PNP applications for permanent residence are generally processed within 18 months.

Labour Impact Category Ranking System

If a candidate meets all of the eligibility requirements for the PEI PNP Critical Worker stream, they may create a profile in the PEI EOI system. Applicants will be awarded up to 100 assessment points based on their age, language, education, work experience, employment, and adaptability.

Overview of Factors

FactorSkilled WorkerCritical WorkerInternational Graduate
Work experience2020N/A
Maximum Points100100100







Point Calculators
